These pics are taken from my trip to Banff. It was so much fun. It was spring break and my family and I decided to go to Calgary to visit my Oma & Opa. We stayed at their house but went to Banff for a night as well. Banff is a small town up in the rocky mountains of Alberta, Canada. It was SO beautiful there and we had the best possible weather. +10-+15. Pretty good for winter climate and early spring in Canada. My family and I decided to bring my friend Tina along with us. She is from Germany and we wanted to give her a chance to see some parts of Canada before she has to leave in June. I had so much fun with her and my family. Banff has so many nice little shops, interesting people and cute dogs. It is so full of tourists that you would be surprised to meet any Canadians! I really never want to go home because the thought of school, homework, and all the other stress just doesn't seem appealing at all to me. It's nice just travelling around all day, eating, shopping and having a place to stay at night for free. I'm going to miss Banff, not like I'll never go back but I had really good memories this time that I probably will never have again.
I love you!!!!!!!!